Provincial Junior Warden Back on the Fylde
The !9th February found the Provincial Grand Junior Warden Worshipful Brother Victor Henry Norris back on the Fylde Coast this time representing The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master at the Installation Meeting of Semper Fidelis Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 880 which hold their meetings at the St. Anne's Masonic Hall affectionately known as "The Palace", in an earlier life it must have been a cinema or theatre
Prov.G.J.W with local Grand Officers
It was a pleasant Winters eve when we arrived at the hall and a parking spot right outside the main door beckoned, such a luxury for St. Anne's. A warm welcome greeted us, in what was probably the foyer, before the brethren made their way to the Lodge Room for a 6.00pm start. The Lodge was opened by Brother Kenneth W. Turner Worshipful Master. When the domestic business of the Lodge had been conducted the Lodge Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother William A. Swindlehurst Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer announced that the Representative of The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was seeking admission. Worshipful Brother Norris entered the Lodge supported by the local Grand officers. He was welcomed by the Worshipful Master and took a seat in the Lodge.
Prov.G.J.W. congratulates W.M.
After the usual salutations the Worshipful Master announced the next item, to Install the Master Elect and Senior Warden Brother David Kenworthy. But before, however, the Worshipful Master invited Brother John Chapman the Worshipful Master of Bispham with Norbreck Lodge to be Installing Senior Warden, Worshipful Brother Abdul Y. Benashour a Past Master or Semper Fidelis Lodge to be Installing Junior Warden and due to the absence of Worshipful Brother Joseph O'Brien Worshipful Master of Wyre Lodge due to illness, Worshipful Brother Norman Prue to be Installing Inner Guard.
I.P.M., Prov.J.W. & W.M.
Brother Kenworthy was installed into the Masters Chair in an excellent manner by a number of Brethren. the preliminaries were conducted by Worshipful Brother Turner and Worshipful Brother Alan J. Davies conducted the Inner Workings. The Brethren of Semper Fidelis Lodge acknowledged and greeted their new Worshipful Master and resumed their seats. The Working Tools were presented by Brother Terry Stevens - Lewing and The Keystone Jewel was explained by Brother Andrew J. Harwood two of the junior brethren of the Lodge, and what an excellent job they did.
The Address to the Worshipful Master was delivered by Worshipful Brother Howard N. Emmett Past Grand Senior Deacon in his usual faultless manner. The Worshipful Master then appointed his Officers for 2018 / 19. The address to the Wardens was given by Worshipful Brother John Powell Past Grand Senior Deacon and the address to the Overseers by Worshipful Brother Tony E. Farrar Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies / Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Address to the Brethren was delivered by The Representative of The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.
S.W., I.P.M., Prov.G.J.W., W.M. & J.W
The Installation being concluded the Representative gave the greetings of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. After any other business and the Second Rising the Representative along with the Grand Officers retired and the Worshipful Master closed the Lodge. After the now customary photo shoot we repaired to the bar lounge for a refreshing pre- dinner drink. Dinner was a rather pleasant three courses which was served in the smaller of the two dining rooms available in the "Palace”, which in the daylight overlooks the adjacent Ashton Gardens.
Bro. Stevens-Lewing (Tools), W.M. & Bro. Harwood (Keystone)
The toast to Provincial Grand Officers was responded to by the Provincial Grand Junior Warden who informed the Brethren of the recent news from the Province including the news of the splendid donation to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for the acquisition of a new state of the art lifeboat, which will be on station shortly, a cause near and dear to the hearts of the local towns folk and the local Masons. The wining and dining over we made our way to the car parks for the homeward journey, another night of Mark Masonry over.   
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan